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Thank you for choosing Ivy Beauty Bar for your cosmetic injections.
Below are information about our registered nurse and how to book your injections.

The cosmetic injections at IVY Beauty Bar is completed by our amazing register nurse Annie Du. Annie has graduated from the University of Ottawa with a Bachelor's of Science in Nursing in 2013. She have been employed full-time at The Ottawa Civic Hospital since graduating. She has practiced for 6 years in General Medicine before moving to the Emergency Department in January of 2020. She started working for an Ophthalmic Plastic, Cosmetic & Reconstructive Surgeon in 2017, which is where she became interested in the cosmetic industry. She has completed training with Dr. Martin's Training Centre, with advance training from THMA Consulting and is now injecting at IVY Beauty Bar!

If you have any questions or feel free to contact Annie by clicking the

ASK US ANYTHING button below! 

In order to receive your treatment, you must first be seen by our nurse practitioner Kate Spellen.

The first step is to book your consultation, this can by book by clicking the book now button below, call us at 613-492-0083 or email us at  

Due to the pandemic, your consultation is now available virtual or in person.

If chosen to have the consult virtually you will receive an email request to fill out your intake forms. All your information will be documented and saved in a software shared by the nurse practitioner and nurse injector. If you do not have access to a device, the nurse injector can meet you in person at IVY Beauty Bar (K7C0A8) to connect you.

**Please note that treatment CANNOT move forward without signed consent, or without the approval of a treatment plan from the nurse practitioner.**

After your consult and care plan are complete, you can then book treatment by clicking the book now button below, or call/email us at 613-492-0083 or

Tuesday - Friday: 10AM - 7PM   l   Saturday: 9AM - 6:00PM   l   Sunday- Monday: CLOSED

• 613 492 0083 •

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